A bit about the woman behind the work…

Being born into this world I had feelings of not belonging since a very early age. Not just because of my family or environment. But it felt odd having a physical body in a mentally restricting reality. I had distant memories of living in a world where love, peace and freedom, were the basis of life. Here in this world I was learning about government laws, religion, wars, genocides, famine, disease…

I was born in Central Asia into a lineage of female healers and artists, male warriors and magi. My grandmother raised me with the poetry and art of our Ancestors, healing wisdom of Tajik Wise Women,  of Zoroastrian Magi. Everything changed when I turned 11 and moved to the United States to live with my parents. 

Shamanic Guide
Sovereign Embodiment Mentor

Time took its course and I inevitably experienced a lot of the conditioning, and programming from family and society that normalized the abuse of life. I happen to be born into a culture that also doesn’t support independent minded, outspoken, wild women. In fact a woman who educates herself and opposes religious, and dogmatic ideologies that are established on oppressing and controlling certain groups, in this case women, is considered blasphemy. 

Of course, this level of feminine rebellion is not welcome in any old patriarchal structure. So as co-creation would have it, I’ve journeyed through layers and levels of gaslighting, confusion, suppression, disempowerment, abuse, suffering, as well as the beautiful and profoundly rich experiences my grandmother transitioned when I turned 13, and I was initiated into my Heroines journey. my adolescent years and young adulthood was a dynamic Persephone’s journey. Every time I ran away from myself and into the expectations of others I was faced with tragedy, with destruction inside and all around me. Years of abuse turned into trauma, and that turned into hanging by a thread in this life. Until my spirit guides and ancestors started frequenting my dreams and reminding me of why I am here. I found myself drawn to the forest and the plant kingdom. My roots and ancestors were guiding me.

One thing led to another and I found myself on a beautiful, powerful path of healing. Healing and liberating myself was my only intention. Somehow this unfolded into shamanic training, where I unlearned a lot of the systematic conditioning and re-membered an eternal Truth, reactivated ancient DNA. Everything became my teacher, indigenous elders, ancestral codes, nature, stars, the system, the bliss, the opposition, the conscious, the subconscious. With the birth of my daughter I was initiated into womb healing. 

My journey lead me to play, create, and serve through astrology, herbalism, dance, music, fine arts, writing, shamanism. I have been facilitating transformational retreats and ceremonies since 2015, offering 1:1 mentorships since 2018. I am grateful to be able to share and serve.

A bit about the woman behind the work…



It is a great honor to hold space for your journey of transformation, remembrance and sovereignty.