with Sitora Yusufiy

A vehicle for your journey of transformation, remembrance and sovereignty.


Upstate NY
August 2-4

Meditation practices ~ Plant Medicine education ~ Sound Healing ~ Yoga & Somatic Movement ~ Hapé & Sananga cleansing ~ Herbal Bath (Limpia) ~ Shamanic healing ceremony x 2 ~ Healthy nourishing meals ~ Herbal Teas ~ Conscious Community ~ Deep Integration

Florida May 3-6, 2024

Austin TX
August 15-18

Meditation practices ~ Yoni steam Ceremony ~ Plant Medicine education ~ Sound Healing ~ Yoga & Somatic Movement ~ Hapé & Sananga cleansing ~ Shamanic healing ceremony x 2 ~ Healthy nourishing meals ~ Herbal Teas ~ Sacred Sisterhood ~ Deep Integration

Mt Shasta
September 26-29

Meditation practices ~Plant Medicine education ~ Sound Healing ~ Yoga & Somatic Movement ~ Hapé & Sananga cleansing ~ Yoni Steam ceremony ~ Shamanic healing ceremony x 2  ~ Healthy nourishing meals ~ Herbal Teas ~ Conscious Community ~ Deep Integration


If you Would like to book a private individual or group retreat please fill out the contact form, and we will respond shortly.