True Sidereal Astrology
Welcome Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake
A special delivery of a report from a native snake…;)
How are y’all holding up with the levels and layers of shedding we’ve been going through?
Well buckle up, because we’re deep diving into our power this snake year.
This New Moon is at 9° Capricorn, synchronistically we are entering a 9 year, a year of completions. 9 is a number associated with primordial creation as well, it takes 9 months for a baby to develop in the womb and incarnate. This should give you an understanding of the energy and theme this year. Completion of long standing goals, projects, and the actual embodiment, or manifestation in the physical realm.
If like myself, you’ve been feeling like you have no energy to do anything, congratulations, you’re just in alignment with the natural cycles of life. We have been in the void of winter in the northern hemisphere, a time for physically slowing down to conserve energy, and to do the inner work for a prosperous year ahead. We are also still slugging through Mars Retrograde. Remember I said… WILL FEEL IT IN YOUR ENERGY LEVELS during Mars Rx. From client observations, most people are dealing with physical body detoxing and healing, slow finances, and even accidents/car issues that result in restricting movement.
Fortunately I’ve come to honor the cycles and when the universe is asking me to slow down, I surrender. I’ve burn out enough energy by resisting. And when all the unresolved emotions and anxiety starts bubbling up and purging out because now we slowed down and made some space…I sit with it, process it, and let it move through me as it needs to. I also remember to use my tools and practices when its really tough. By now we should all have tools, information is infinite and it’s everywhere. Too many people complain without actually using the tools they have. Thats why we keep saying… NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU, ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT FOR YOURSELF.
But for a lot of people, who aren’t used to surrendering, or trusting, or not judging themselves and the process…get caught up and stuck on the old energy (that is just trying be transformed) and consciously or unconsciously take themselves through much more suffering, and more harm to the nervous system and life.

With this New Moon in Capricorn we are being activated into movement, strategy, and action. So yes energy will shift, the work you’ve been putting in internally and externally will being to come to life, and it will REALLY accelerate by March. You will be grateful for the slow down you had in winter.
This New Moon is great for planning out your year. Set an intention for the year, set goals for the year and write it out. Make art with it, frame it and put it everywhere. Vision boarding. Detailed journaling, internal reprogramming and taking action, and watch it all happen before your eyes.
Let’s transform your perspective and energy. Schedule a Reading with me!